Monday, August 6, 2012

Couple of Samplers Finished

What do you do when you are in a car for over 3000 miles..... me and my family just came back from a long trip to Glacier National Park in Montana....from Nebraska that is quite a drive but what a fun time we had.  Here is a few samplers I finished while on the road well as my favorite vacation picture. 


  1. Great work on your samplers! I wish I could stitch in the car.... but I get dizzy....
    Glacier Bay looks like a beautiful place... glad you had a fun vacation!

  2. Hi
    I just seen your patterns on sale at the Country Sampler and must say I loved what I saw
    I will be stitching them soon
    I'm going to be a follower, I'll be back

  3. These samplers look really great.
    We made the same trip a couple of years ago, Glacier NP is just breath-taking.
