Friday, July 20, 2012

Never Fix Your Jet Ski in the Garage

Here are some pictures from one of our rentals that caught fire last night.  The neighbor decided to do some repair work to his jet ski in the garage next to the gas 20 years of having rentals we've never received this call in the middle of the night...."my neighbor started the house on fire".  Luckily no one was hurt and we are now waiting to hear if our side is salvagable (its the unit on right side). 


  1. unbelievable,the things we can do that are just too risky to contemplate!!
    hope you get some help on your end of things.

  2. Oh my, what a mess, thankfully no one was hurt, so sorry Linda...

  3. My goodness, Linda, glad you and your family are alright! This is scary to say the least. Lesson learned!
