Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cabin Fever Antique Show

I thought I would share my purchases from the Cabin Fever Antique Show here in Lincoln this weekend.  It is a two day show with about 80 vendors. If the Packers weren't playing this afternoon, I would probably go back and look around again.  Can't wait to stitch some samplers for the three frames and the cabinet is going to hold my floss for my current projects. I seem to lose control of the tags when I'm working on something.  Love my new little black box which I think I will store my scissors and needles in and last but not least a Sampler from 1835.  This sampler is done in some great Christmas colors.  Enjoy your Sunday!  


  1. Nice finds! Wish I lived closer I could have so used an outing; with below zero weather all week, I for sure had cabin fever. The good news though is I had lots of time to stitch and I finished your simple times kit from Boxwood.

  2. Just love all your new things..........that sampler is to die for.........lucky you! ~Susan~

  3. Wonderful finds Linda! Lucky you to have a show to go to. I live so far from anything like that. I love everything you brought home. Lori

  4. Wonderful finds! Wish we would have such shows here! :o)

