Saturday, December 27, 2014

Got me a New Ott Lite!

Best Christmas Present ever...a new magnifying Floor Ott Light Yippee..  I've been doing a little test stitching with it over the last few days.  I didn't really want to stitch something for Christmas as it was almost over so I've moved onto Valentine's Day.  Hope everybody had a great Christmas; we were blessed to spend the week before Christmas in Cozumel and had an awesome time scuba diving, snorkeling and laying on the beach....Now back to the cold weather.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Boxwood & Berries 2014

Here is some pictures from the 2014 Boxwood & Berries Retreat at the Country Sampler in Spring Green, WI.

Day 1 was this great applique project by Maggie.

Day 2 was my Simple Times Clutch Purse.

Day 3 was the second project I designed...Simple Times Sampler as well as a great wreath that Jean Elliott showed us how to make from old books.

Day 4 was a cute tree designed by Maggie.

and a few extra shots for your enjoyment.  It was an awesome week and the girls at the shop really know how to make everyone feel welcome!  Great company, great food, great times!  

Till Next Year!  Linda

Friday, October 3, 2014

Locket Kits

Well only 10 more days till I head to Country Sampler's Boxwood & Berries in Spring Green, WI.  I am going to be a guest designer for Maggie Bonanami's class.  I have finished putting my kits together and have started to pack everything we will need for my project.  The class has already started stitching on the first kit I have designed; we will assemble the clutch during class.

My second project I will have to share with you after class so the students attending Boxwood can be surprised.   We should have lots of fun and can't wait to see the Wisconsin Fall Foliage.

For many years, I had on my bucket list to go to Boxwood & Berries.  Finally last year I went all by myself and had a wonderful, wonderful time.  I always feel sad for those that can't attend because of prior commitments or just too far to travel so........I wanted to put together a little kit for you that will go along with my Boxwood projects.  My projects center around "a few little things to make your friends for Christmas".  Here is a picture of my locket project. 

Everything is included in this kit to make your very own cross stitch locket or make it fit your needs and cross stitch a different design.  The kits sell for $40.00.  Please e-mail me if interested.  For those of you going to Boxwood, see ya soon!  For all my other blog friends, hope you enjoy my kit.  Take care friends, Linda

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Ella Manfield - New Pattern

Here is my latest pattern release, Ella Manfield (very muted).    E-mail me if you would like to purchase a pattern.  Framed size - 6 1/2 x 11 1/2.

Have a great weekend; feels like Fall!  Linda

Friday, September 5, 2014

Checking In with Something New

I can't believe where the time has gone.; bad me I haven't posted since April.  I have been busy preparing my projects for my trip to Boxwood & Berries in Spring Green, WI in October.  Wisconsin in October - life is good.

We've had a fun filled summer (baseball, trip to the Ozarks, swimming, and camping) not ready for summer to end.  My favorite time of year is the Fall which it feels like today.   My car said it was 59 degrees so I've opened up the windows.  The humidity has finally left.

I thought I'd share a quick glimpse of a sampler I am creating.  I sprained my ankle about two weeks ago so I have had some good chair time...bless those who are on crutches for extended periods of time.  Crutches do not move at my normal pace.  

Hope everyone had a good summer; stay tuned for picture of my finished sampler not sure where I am going with it yet.....


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Latest Prim Sister Design

This is a picture of my latest Prim Sister Club Design that is offered through Country Sampler  It is a needle roll that has three pieces of velvet on the flip side to hold your needles, buttons and other notions.  I love the faded look; I don't do bright! 

I don't know about you but I tend to have a needle roll in every unfinished project bag I have.  If your interested in joining the club, please visit

What a great week we are to get into the 70's....Spring has arrived....enjoy!  Linda

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Pledge Allegiance - 1892

Finished framing this sampler earlier this week so thought I'd post a picture.  I hope to have it charted soon!  Linda

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lancaster County 1859

This is my latest pattern that I just finished charting.  I put it in one of my favorite frames from my growing stash.  I use to collect wool but I think I might have moved on to frames; although I never pass up a good piece of unique wool.   This sampler only has four colors but has the drab look I so love...  it represents my county (Lancaster) and one of my favorite motifs (the deer).  Enjoy the day and do a little stitching while watching the game.  Please e-mail me if you would like to order this pattern.  Linda

Friday, January 17, 2014

Downton Abbey

I've heard so much talk of the series Downton Abbey I thought I would take some time and see what all the fuss is about.  I think I'm addicted.  It has been a one week and I'm on Season 2 Episode 7.  I calculate that I have watched over 15 hours of tv this week on my son's 7 inch Kindle.  I'm trying to get caught up so I can share in the office talk on Monday mornings....If you haven't had a chance to watch this series I highly recommend it.    Linda