Friday, January 17, 2014

Downton Abbey

I've heard so much talk of the series Downton Abbey I thought I would take some time and see what all the fuss is about.  I think I'm addicted.  It has been a one week and I'm on Season 2 Episode 7.  I calculate that I have watched over 15 hours of tv this week on my son's 7 inch Kindle.  I'm trying to get caught up so I can share in the office talk on Monday mornings....If you haven't had a chance to watch this series I highly recommend it.    Linda


  1. Hi, Linda,
    Welcome to the club!!! I'm addicted to Downton too. I have watched the first three seasons I don't know how many times on DVD.

  2. Oh will love it! one I work with watches it, so I have nobody to talk to about the show!! It's a beautiful series...TV at it's best!

  3. I caught up on season 4, episode 1 last night, tonight I'm going to episode 2, I have really enjoyed every season of it. Poor Lady Edythe, she gets not one break, even yet. I won't spoil it for you, keep going!

  4. I am also hooked on Downton Abbey! LOVE IT!! I crammed on all of the seasons as well. Last week I watched all of season 3, so I am all caught up now. Now watching season 4 on Sunday nights. So addicting! My friends husband had lunch at the Highclere Castle with his boss. They apparently do tours there. How exciting would that be!!!

