Saturday, December 21, 2013

It's the Simple Things......

Four more days till Christmas..... I have some extra time so wanted to share some photos from this Christmas season at our house.  We had a great time today making gingerbread houses and staying away from the mall......makes you appreciate the Simple things.  It's even easier to enjoy when you have your shopping done, presents wrapped and cookies baked.  This would be something new for me this year. 

 Ryan's art project from school; proudly displayed on the frig.
 Front Porch
 Ryan's decorated sugar cookies.....You need to think outside the box when it comes to Christmas colors. 
 Our Christmas Tree
 Ryan's Gingerbread House

 Notice the American Flag (God Bless our Troops during this season)

May you all have a Blessed Christmas.  Please take time to stop and enjoy the simple things!

Since I just finished my last Christmas Present, I'm off to put in a Christmas Movie and start stitching something new.  Merry Christmas -  Linda

1 comment:

  1. Nice to be ready early for the holidays!! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun with the gingerbread houses!!
    Merry Christmas!
