Friday, April 5, 2013

Oh Lord My Strength

It seems like I have quite the collection of size 4 x 12 1/2 frames.....anyone else?????  I really didn't think it would be so difficult to come up with something to stitch in such a narrow width but it was hard.  I just finished charting the pattern....I went all out with this one and used 5 different colors of floss including a mauve/pink....which I typically don't I'm off to chart a really fun sampler can't wait to share it with you. 

I love you O Lord my Strength - Psalms 18:1.............  Happy Friday!  Linda


  1. Very sweet sampler!!! I can't wait to see your next one! hugs!

  2. Adore this sampler! Can't wait for you to offer the chart!! Lori

  3. I love this! I like the narrow frame! And the verse-it is a great reminder! Such lovely colors. I wish I could stitch well. I just love stitcheries. I love filling a home with such warm sentiments and verses!

    Thank you for sharing this!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. Love the long and skinny of it :) I'm looking forward to the next one you're working on. Smiles, ~Nan

  5. Oh that size of frame is so primitive looking- I'll have to keep an eye out fr something like that~
