Sunday, October 11, 2009

FFMF.....Fun Flea Market Find

Here is an Alphabet Stitchin book I found at a flea market this weekend. The lady I bought it from said it came from an elderly ladies estate. The house was over 120 years old....the book is very brittle and needs work done to the binding. It has some great pattern ideas. I also found a couple of needle books to add to my collection. The indoor flea market was a great thing to do since there was snow on the ground...I was praying that soccer would be cancelled. Can't even imagine the winter we are going to have if it is already snowing by October 10th....YIKES. Have a great week!!!! Linda


  1. Linda,
    What a treasured find! We had a little snow this weekend, too but it didn't stay.

  2. Hi Linda! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great to find another Nebraska blogger! Your stitcheries are just wonderful! Are you doing any craft fairs this fall? And I see you have Kindergartner as well. :)

  3. Wow Linda! Woooohoooo on the great find!!! :o)
