Monday, August 17, 2009

Cast Your Spells....

Feels like I stitched on this all weekend....but I love it. Fall is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it.....pumpkins, corn, trick or treating, the farmer's harvesting. This is another pattern by Stacy Nash of Stacy Nash primitives. I've had several of her patterns on my shelf to do and I finally feel like I am getting into the groove of getting some stuff done.


  1. Linda, Ryan is so cute. Seth said he sat with Ryan coming home this evening! Thanks for letting me follow your blog--it is fantastic!

  2. Love the Halloween Pin keep Linda!

  3. Wow! You said the "fall" word. I hear the weather has been beautiful up there. I wish I had your motivation to stitch again but it is just too darn hot down here. 60 straight days of triple digit temps. We just got back from Colorado where the weather was absolutely perfect! --Ann

  4. You are so making me wanna stitch some smalls! Too cute! I love these!!
