If you have never been to Germany during Christmas time you need to add this to your bucket list. Here are some pictures from my trip to the Kris Kringle Markets. These are markets set up around the center of "old" town sometimes located next to churches that were built in the 1200's; they sell all sort of handmade gift items, chocolates, candles, scarves, hats, and on and on and on...... enjoy the photos and may you and your families have a Merry Christmas! My New Year's resolution - make more blogs posts and stitch more in 2013...... Linda
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Walk the Old Path
Finally I'm done with this sampler....seems like its been a busy fall. I have charted this pattern and is available for purchase. I'm going to start working on Christmas gifts and Christmas shopping......can't believe it is time for that already. Hope everyone is having a great fall. Linda
Monday, September 3, 2012
New Pattern - Penny Tree Farm
I think I must have come up with the colors for this sampler based upon the way my grass looks this summer from the drought. Could be worse it could be blue which would mean the snow is flying.... Have a great labor day! Linda
$8.00 (plus shipping)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Love the frame!
I just love this frame wish I could find a few more. Sometimes I just enjoy stitching a plain old basic alphabet sampler.........
Monday, August 6, 2012
Couple of Samplers Finished
What do you do when you are in a car for over 3000 miles..... me and my family just came back from a long trip to Glacier National Park in Montana....from Nebraska that is quite a drive but what a fun time we had. Here is a few samplers I finished while on the road trip.....as well as my favorite vacation picture.
Friday, July 20, 2012
Never Fix Your Jet Ski in the Garage
Here are some pictures from one of our rentals that caught fire last night. The neighbor decided to do some repair work to his jet ski in the garage next to the gas can.....in 20 years of having rentals we've never received this call in the middle of the night...."my neighbor started the house on fire". Luckily no one was hurt and we are now waiting to hear if our side is salvagable (its the unit on right side).
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Hot, Hot, Hot
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Geometric Floral Hooked Rug
Just put the last strip in this Geometric Floral Pattern by Designs by the Lady. I still need to finish the edges and then the hard part deciding where to put it......so many hooked rugs not enough walls..... Hope everyone had a great Father's Day! Linda
Thursday, June 7, 2012
From Craft Table to Kitchen Table
Many, many years ago me and my sister did craft shows....and then came kids and shows just don't happen anymore. So a couple of months ago I am cleaning out my basement and found the table top we would use at our shows. I hauled the table top out to my husband's shop and asked if he would try and build me a kitchen table from it.....how fun is that......I love it.....
So while he's been working on that, I've been working on a very large hooking project (this is Janice Johnson's from Wooley Woolen - "My World"). I'm only about 1/4 of the way done on mine.
But what I've really been up to is this
The Happy Place!!!!!! Linda
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Alphabet Floral Sampler - New Pattern
It's been rainy today so I've had a chance to finish up a few things. My husband always thinks he's getting something good for supper but it's actually me baking my fabric goods....... This pattern is for sale on pattern page. Feels so good to finish something. Linda
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Couple of finishes headed to Nelly's Nest!
Just finished up a few little pieces for Nelly's Nest. Seems like I have been so busy lately haven't had much time to stitch. Need more hours in the day....or less hobbies... Linda
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Salt Box Crow Sampler
I haven't posted lately as I have been busy working on this piece. It is hard to tell from picture but this is mostly done in grey/green, charcoals, blacks, rust and taupe....love the muted colors. This pattern is for sale on my blog.....I hope my friend enjoys her sampler....
Monday, February 20, 2012
Two Little Finishes
Here is two little finishes. The first is a velvet brown pincushion filled with sawdust on top of circle box. The box has been covered with a fabric that is a brown old floral print. I've filled the box with old sewing items and topped with a little antique pin that says "pinkeep". The other item is a mini notebook covered with some old pieces of a vintage quilt. Both extremely fun to make.....
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Floral Sampler
I love this old grey/green frame (4 x10); stitched in neutrals. I wasn't exactly sure what to stitch in it so I just started and ended up with the basket of flowers. I have to wait to finish because I broke the glass when finishing the back.....hate when that happens. Will have to send hubby to hardware store tomorrow. Linda
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Velvet Hearts
Finished these hearts about a week ago but haven't had a chance to post them. They are about 2x2 and stuffed with sawdust...I love velvet....but can't say that it is fun to sew with. Linda
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Monday, January 2, 2012
Half Time Post
Thought I'd take a quick second during the halftime of the Capital One Bowl to show you some of my finishes from the weekend.
Mini Drum
Sawdust stuffed strawberries
Back to stitching.......GO HUSKERS!!!!!! Linda
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