Thursday, December 29, 2011

Another Drum Roll

Here is a picture of another drum I finished this weekend.....stuffed with sawdust and a little velvet strawberry on the side.  I learned how to make these this summer when I took a class from Stacy Nash.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Some New Finishes!

Here is a couple of things I just finished up this evening....

The first is a fabric covered hot tea box that I cut apart and covered with fabric and then stitched back together.  I made a robin egg blue velvet pin cushion for the lid and added a velvet strawberry.

My next finish is a 5 x 6 sampler.  I love this frame.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Missing an "R"

I love this little arrangement but now I am on the hunt for another letter "R".......I guess this is what they call make do.

Friday, December 2, 2011

1846 Bishop Hill Hooked Rug

I just pulled the last loop on the 1846 Bishop Hill Rug that I worked on during my Jan Goos class in Nebraska City.  This is a pattern I drew after our summer vacation stop at Bishop Hill, Illinois.  Bishop Hill is a village that settled in 1846 by a group of Swedish immigrants seeking religious freedom.  Bishop Hill is a quiet, country village that has many historic buildings, bakery, shopping and live demonstrations.  We had lunch in this cute old filling station you could even see where the oil pit from the garage was.  My favorite store was a place called Sweet Annies......great, great primitives.  This rug depicts Sweet Annies on the left.  Originally these two buildings were governmental buildings.  The flower in the middle of my rug represents the road that divides the two buildings but led to some wonderful flower beds in the backyards.  If you are ever on 1-80 heading across Illinois you must detour and stop at this lovely village.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nebraska City, NE Rug Hooking Retreat

I wanted to share a few pictures from my last couple of days at the Nebraska City Rug Hooking Retreat.  My instructor was Jan Goos and she was wonderful!.  I'm not sure but the rug she helped me with might be my all time favorite.  I won't post until it is complete....keep you in suspense.

We hooked Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-3 and could come back and hook till 11 at night.  On Monday night each instructor gave a talk.  Here is a picture of one of the instructors building a color wheel with people.

Here is Jan Goos giving her talk (did I mention she was a great instructor). (notice the Maggie rugs on the back wall).

On Tuesday night we had an auctioneer come in and auction off items that attendees had brought.  A drawing was held and two people will get to come to next year's retreat for free.....:(   I think the auctioneer had a great time and wants to come again next year.  He now knows what a snippet bag is.

Here are some other random pics.
Well back to was fun while it lasted.  Linda

Sunday, October 30, 2011

For the Love of the Needle Roll

Here is a picture of a PinKeep that I drew up and made this week.  Yesterday was perfect weather for it to sit out in the sun and age.  I stitched it on 32 count linen and stuffed with sawdust.  These are really fun to make if you haven't ever tried one.  The sawdust is a little messy of a job but well worth it.  My dad sure gave me a weird look when I went to his shop asking for a container full of sawdust :)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Halloween Hooked Style

Hope everyone has a spooky....creepy crawly weekend..........from Polly Pumpkin!!!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Finished Sampler

It's done....a little sampler I've been working on for awhile.  It started out as the Sampler Challenge that was being put on by The Samplermakers but I didn't come close to meeting the deadline so continued on and here is how it finished.  If anyone has advice on how to take pictures without a glare I would love to hear from you.    Linda

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Crockpot Chicken Enchiladas

I am always looking for a good crockpot receipe.  I found this one and tried it out for dinner last night.  Good Stuff!!!!!

Crockpot Enchiladas

1 pound lean ground beef
10 (6 inch) corn tortillas, quartered
1 (1 ounce) package taco seasoning mix
1 1/4 cups water
1 (12 ounce) jar chunky salsa
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of mushroom soup
1 (10.75 ounce) can condensed cream of chicken soup
4 cups shredded Mexican cheese blend

1.Crumble the ground beef into a skillet over medium-high heat. Cook and stir until evenly browned. Add taco seasoning and water; simmer for 15 minutes over low heat.
2.In a medium bowl, stir together the salsa, cream of mushroom soup and cream of chicken soup. Mix in most of the cheese, reserving 3/4 cup for later.
3.Place a layer of tortillas covering the bottom of a slow cooker. Scoop a layer of the ground beef over that, and then spoon a layer of the cheese mixture. Repeat the layers until you run out of stuff, ending with a layer of tortillas on the top. Top with remaining cheese.
4.Cover, and cook on High for 1 1/2 hours.

enjoy  Linda

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hard to finish

So I finally finished this punch needle pattern by Threads that Bind.  I've been working on it for several months.  I think I will be looking for another finishing method as I really did not enjoy whipping the edges with DMC.  There has to be a better way.  If anyone has suggestions, let me know.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Drum........

I really like making these drums.....I wonder how many Stacy Nash designs there are for them.  I love the flower basket in this one.....there is suppose to be a bird on top but mine didn't look like a bird so I left it off.....  Linda

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drum Roll.......

I finally finished one on my own.  My first drum I stitched on the wrong size of linen so it turned out pretty large; my second I had help from Stacy in class and this one I did on my own.  The drum below is designed by Stacy Nash.  I have had this in my to do pile for quite some time but after taking my Stacy class earlier this month I pulled it out and stitched it up this week. You would be amazed at the amount of saw dust you can stuff away in these.......

I might have to do another one of these....turned out really cool.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Stacy's Class was sooooo fun!!!!!

A week ago I took a class from Stacy Nash in Sycamore are some pictures that were taken during the class.  Stacy Nash Class Pictures.  We had a great time and learned a lot of little secrets.

Her sister also joined us and shared some of her great cakepops.  She has a dessert business

Enjoy the pictures.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sampler Finish

I finally finished this sampler I have been working on since this winter.  I took it with me on vacation last week and made some progress.  Sorry for the glare on the glass.....I'm not a great photographer...... on to my next one.....  Linda

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Secret Envelope Swap

Thank you so much to Wendy from Ravenwood Whimzies for being my secret envelope swap sister.  Look at all the neat things she made......

Monday, June 6, 2011

This Vine - Hooked Rug

Finally finished....I started this rug back in November in a class I took with Maggie Bonanomi.  I really struggled with finishing it because it felt too "green"....  the pattern is This Vine by Janice Johnson,  Here is a picture of Janice's version - it's fun to see how the same pattern can turn out so different.  I guess it's not totally finished I still have to finish the edges.  Linda

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A This and That Necklace

What a hot weekend.  Stayed inside and worked on my hooked rug and put together this necklace from odd ball pieces of old jewelry and misc parts.  This was sure fun to make...made another one just like it but with a yellow brooch for the center.  Stay cool!  Linda

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Check out my swap arrival

Jennifer at sent me the cutest pin keep for the Pin keep Swap put on by  It is absolutely adorable.  It was such a fun package to receive in the mail.....she's so creative.  It was hard to get a good picture but it sits on a spool.  Thanks Jennifer!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Vintage Brooch Swap

Here is a picture of the brooch I received from my swap partner Wendy who lives in Georgia.  She saw how much I like]pin keeps and attached this brooch to this creative.  The swap was set up by  It was really fun....!
